Saturday 28 November 2015


Players are pictured around the centre circle to observe the minute's silence to remember the Paris lives lost

It’s difficult to turn onto everyday stuff when the horrors of the Paris massacre are still unfolding.

But how wonderful it is that people do stand together in tragedy, in war, in fear. Fear can leave us unsettled, insecure, worrying about what will happen next, to us, to our family, how shall we cope! It’s dreadful to have an enemy who doesn’t care what happens to himself or herself - don’t value their own lives! Fear makes us weary and discouraged, we want someone to come alongside us  –  Oh, for someone to come beside us and lift us up and comfort us, but that’s what God wants to do. Some want to blame God and it’s OK to get angry with Him – He can take it! But please, once you’ve been angry, take your fears and anxieties to Him to comfort you, let Him give you that peace He promises in John 14 verse 27 “I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

Creating peace wherever you are ..............

Creators of Peace Circle in Baringo County, Kenya
    Creators of Peace Circle in Baringo County, Kenya

Eight women sit around a table in a kitchen in Oxford. We were born in five countries. Over eight weeks, we share our stories and the challenges of our daily lives, and explore what it takes to create peace in our homes and communities.

For women like Hasnaa, whose husband was killed by a rocket in the street in Damascus, the circles have been a source of healing and empowerment. ‘All I felt was pain, anger and sadness until the day when I attended a CoP Circle,’ she says. The circle broke through her helplessness ‘I’ve learned about forgiveness and how I need to put a limit to my pain so it doesn’t control my life any more. I want to help other women who went through the same situation to be stronger.’

And in Britain? London, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Bradford and Oxford have all had peace circles – Mary Zacaroli, a writer, campaigner and mother, says, ‘I met some extraordinary women. Some had come from outside the UK and had difficult, sometimes traumatic backgrounds. Others were just living with the usual stuff that life throws at you.
Women from Creators of Peace UK in Oxford

I learnt that peace is not flabby or wishywashy. It’s muscular and assertive and messy.’

WOULD THIS BE ANOTHER CONTRIBUTION TO PEACE?  This footballer doing good things for children in a war stricken city!

The Shakhtar captain, Darijo Srna, bought 20 tonnes of tangerines in Croatia and had them sent to children in the war stricken city Donetsk. Great story!

(Pictures by Pinterest)

ME TOO !!!

Why we desperately need a rubbish revolution

Why did the chef recently spend a day in a major shopping centre shouting at people through a megaphone? It's all part of BBC1 film Hugh's War on Waste, as he fights to get rid of our disturbing throw-away culture... - please sign his petition and join in helping Britain!

Filming my new BBC1 series Hugh’s War on Waste opened my eyes to a whole new world of waste, and now I want to kick start a rubbish revolution by encouraging people to think before throwing their recyclables in the dustbin.

These are good clothes being binned as rubbish, not given to charity or recycled - there’s no need to throw away any of our clothes. Charity shops and clothes banks are happy to take the lot – every stitch of them, whatever their condition. Yet 50,000 of these piles, a staggering 500 million individual garments, are being consigned to landfill or incinerated every year.

Group hugs are the best hugs.

6) Group hugs are the best hugs.

As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December's bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same. - Donald E. Westlake

Happy Christmas shopping - Love, Tracey

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