Saturday 30 May 2015


A five-year-old boy in Prattville, Alabama, saw a homeless man for the first time and his actions moved restaurant diners to tears. Josiah was confused by the man's appearance and started peppering his mom with questions.

"He's homeless," his mother explained. "What does that mean?" he responded. 'Well, that means he doesn't have a home.'" He asked his mom to buy the stranger dinner, which she did.

Before the man could take his first bite, Josiah insisted on saying a prayer first. And he did, publicly, with 11 other customers watching. Josiah sang the blessing as loud as his little voice could muster. "The man cried. I cried. Everybody cried," 
his mom said.

"Watching my son touch the 11 people in that Waffle House tonight will be forever one of the greatest accomplishments as a parent I'll ever get to witness," Ava wrote.

Well, I’ve done it - ‘£1 A DAY FOR 5 DAYS!’

When the day came to begin, I found I was quite excited, eager to start. I’d done my research, weighing and pricing food, it was fun thanks to Ceri at Natural Kitchen Adventures         

The week went quite quickly and I wasn’t particularly hungry – just missed grazing and wanted something sweet and carbo in the evenings – saving the banana for then helped!

 I was shocked how much money I wasted! Normally I must spend around £5 a day shopping, plus an occasional Costa’s! I ended up on this £1 a-day spending £5.21 for the week – plus coffees at home at 7p a shot (2 coffees a day). Not perfect -  but I managed to send some cash to the Education for Life Feeding Programme in Mombasa, Kenya.

Not being beaten I will do this again but possibly allowing a slightly bigger daily allowance – this will still leave me some cash to send to the hungry kids!

Word got around amongst the birds in the garden 
that food was short at this address

Blackie has a quick bath every morning before his mealworm breakfast – he got quite grumpy ‘cos he’s got a family to feed 

The starlings had a council-of-war with 'bossman' announcing their next move

Some were polite and waited their turn, but ...........

.... others I’m afraid went for 
every bird  for himself’!

Disciplining ourselves to draw attention to world hunger is one thing but what about food waste in general!

'Around a third of all the food produced in the world ends up being wasted somewhere along the production and consumption line, according to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation. In the UK, 50% of food waste occurs in the home: we throw away 7.2m tonnes of food and drink every year.'

Congratulations to The Real Junk Food Cafe Projects and Food Cycle for what they are doing.

And well done Geneco for the 'Bio-Bus' powered by food and human waste!

All aboard the number two

·         The Bio-Bus is fuelled by biomethane gas from sewage and food waste 
·         A single tank of 'gas' is the equivalent annual waste from five people
·         But the bus produces less emissions than those from a diesel engine 
·         It's hoped the bus could herald more sustainable fuels for travel
·         'The bus also clearly shows that human poo and our wasted food are valuable resources,' said one expert


Majestic humpback whales have something else to sing about. Thanks to the banning of commercial whaling nearly 50 years ago and vigorous conservation efforts, most of the world’s humpback populations have returned from the brink. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries (NOAA) have suggested removing these groups from the Endangered Species List.

Such a lovely story! I remember as a young mum in the 60's pushing the kids around on a Save the Whale Rally. A big thank you for those who have worked so hard over the years to help them survive.


In this world today there are so many horrible things happening to innocent people, I love to give space for some Good News!

The Bible is full of Good News. It tells us that God will keep in perfect peace all who trust in Him - I'm up for that - seems a fair exchange! (Isaiah 26.3)

Sometimes you just need a hug!



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