Thursday 30 April 2015


A naked man jumped onto the roof of a double-decker bus
 from a top-floor flat which had caught fire.

Bus driver Andy Waterman backed-up his double-decker so a man 
could make the jump from a burning top floor flat to safety.

“The naked man, who is thought to have been in the shower, leapt 10ft from a second-story window in Braintree, Essex,” reports the BBC.

and more good news....When people help animals!!

Jeremy Goss photos

Timeline Photos -

Off the Grid - Jeremy Goss photography

"A very emotional scene that I witnessed a few days ago. This elephant had fallen into a well in hostile territory. Hostile because that community sees elephants as nothing more than a pest that destroys their crops. They wanted to kill and eat it but the Kenya Wildlife Service eventually managed to disperse the manic mob of hundreds of people.

Luckily there was a Chinese construction company building a railway nearby, and they kindly lent their digger to free the poor elephant. (This was an interesting happening, considering the flak that the Chinese take in Africa, particularly for the ivory trade). Anyhow, the rescue worked and the last we saw the bull was heading for the bush, tired but strong. Happy conclusion at least!"

 Thank you BBCnews & Daily Mail for these stories!

Drug Smugglers 'Sang Hymns' As They Were Shot

Eight drug smugglers - including seven foreigners - executed in Indonesia went to their deaths singing hymns and praying.

"The good thing is all prisoners were executed together while praying and singing," Christina Widiantarti, a lawyer for the Brazilian convict and a witness to the execution, said.

"Before that they hugged each other, saying goodbye."

The husband of Pastor Christie Buckingham, who gave spiritual guidance to one of the Australians, said his wife told him the men conducted themselves with "dignity and strength until the end".

I don't know what you think but although they had done wrong they didn't deserve to die for their crimes. The good news is they found peace at the end and are now with Jesus! Thank you Pastor Christie for sticking with them and helping them with their spiritual journey.


Aren’t you just a bit fed up with the election? All the parties have good points – some have bad, even dangerous perhaps!...But what should I do?

I’ve had a look at - helpful, yes, but it doesn’t give me an answer – except ‘get involved & show up’! Different people gave their thoughts on video and one person Greg McKeown I really must research and get his book ‘Essentialism’ – sounds like it might change my life – but it wasn’t anything to do with politics!


Join us in raising awareness about ‘world hunger’?

Have a dinner party with your friends and provide a meal for 33p per person. They make a donation of £3 which goes to your favourite charity.

Have fun and help the hungry!     

We are supporting The Feeding Programme of Education4Life, Mombasa, Kenya. 
They feed 650 children a day, sometimes there isn't enough food for them all.          

We've had our first party! 

Vegie soup
Eight of us had lunch together -
homemade soup, roll
 and a cup of tea. 
Our lovely hostess made 3 soups - pea, 
leek & potato, & tomato.
Recipes available! 

We raised £50 for the feeding programme - And two more parties booked!



THE BRISTOL SKIPCHEN CAMPAIGN CAFE - part of the UK Real Junk Food Project, have a new project to help the migrants at Calais.

They are voluntary run community food waste campaign, operating as a pay-as-you-feel cafe. In the last week of April they will be taking their mobile kitchen Food Rescue Ambulance and travelling to Calais to show solidarity with the Migrant Camp.
They will provide hot food from the food rescue ambulance, and drop off supplies of food and other much needed items. They are aiming to serve hot meals each day. They believe EVERY human being has a right to food, shelter and a life free from violence.

So - the horrible stuff is happening but there's lots of good!
Here's one to finish up with:


At a SOUP event people come together for home-made soup, bread, salad and cakes. Everyone pays about £3 at the door and during the evening four projects would be pitched - things that would be for the social good. These are discussed and voted on and the project that gets the most votes receives the door takings to help with their business.The whole event brings the community together and it is an opportunity to make new friends.
You can find out more at the links below:

A lot to think about! But wouldn't it be good to get something like this happening in my/your area? Possibly getting together with The Real Junk Food Project ideas. First things first though - we need a team! What about you, what do you think of this idea?

Mmmmm…not sure about this though -  IS THIS A HUG?!

Bye for now and remember - no one is in charge of your happiness but you!

God bless, 

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