Friday 2 January 2015



Christmas 2014! Plenty of happy memories? I hope so - I have! Sometimes though things can go wrong and families thrown together when they're not used to it can 'fall out'! So if that's happened to you just remember:

"I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to"
 Bette Reeves 

NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION TIME! - I love it! It's time to move on, make changes - take on the new! 

Funny new years resolutions, someecards

Out of the above list I've selected exercise, get organised, more family time, help others and learn something new! 

What about you? Do you make NY resolutions?


This year I don't have to put 'lose weight' on my list - I've done that already!

      I've been losing weight for nearly 3 years, first of all with Patrick Holford's "The Holford Low-GL Diet" then, when I stopped losing with him, I joined 'Slimming World' altogether losing 3 stone.

The important thing is that this weight reduction allowed me to walk without walking sticks - the pain from my arthritic knees went away with the weight!

Attribution: Old lady with cane

EXERCISE! - still at the top of the list! Dirty word! Means I have to come off the computer!

GET ORGANISED! Good start is decluttering!


MORE FAMILY TIME! (everyone seems so busy!) 
CenterParcs is good for getting together!

HELP OTHERS & LEARNING SOMETHING NEW! – I've put these two together:

LEARN SOMETHING NEW! Isn’t it hard to hear about people in the UK being hungry – food banks increasing the number of people they serve each week. This is where the “help people” will come in - a group of us have a plan!

In today’s world of fast food and factory prepared meals many people don’t know how to look after themselves – don't know how to cook from scratch! The NHS and Food Banks have an initiative to bring together small groups of people to teach them basic cooking skills using cheap, healthy and nutritious foods. They call them Cook N’Eat courses – all preparing the food, then sitting down to eat it together.

Last October the Tuxford & Newark Food Banks put on a “Ready, Steady Cook” Community Cook-off. Celebrity chefs used food bank food to show how to make tasty and nutritious meals for the family.  

HELPING PEOPLE! It’s all over the news today – obesity, diabetes, poverty, hungry children, lonliness! There are a group of us who want to do something in the community to help - so we are going to get some training and run a course of our own – finishing off with a cup of tea and time together to hear everyone’s story and see how we can help each other. 
More about this later............


Trust God from the bottom of your heart. 
Don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go.
He's the one who will keep you on track.

(Proverbs 3. 5-6 The Message)


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